Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hasten MY Change

This past weekend, the Vancouver North Stake (where I am currently serving) held a stake conference. The theme of this Stake Conference was all about hastening the work of salvation. We had the opportunity to hear from President & Sister Taylor, the Portland temple president and his wife, and also President Crandall (stake president of the Vancouver North Stake). There was much that was said at this conference that I loved! I can narrow down everything I learned into one sentence that President Crandall said. He said, "Hasten MY change." This really struck me. We, as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, talk A LOT about hastening the work. We are all very focused on missionary work and sharing the good news of the gospel with those we love. President Crandall said that in order to do this, we must first hasten the change within US. 

I love this. I am human. I am weak. I have a lot that I need to improve on. If I want to be able to bless the lives of those I love, I must first improve myself. I need to hasten my change! I have made the goal of strengthening my relationship with my Heavenly Father. 

I hope that everyone can think about the changes that they need to make in order to be more aligned with Heavenly Father. If we want to follow the prophet and do as he says, we must prepare ourselves to do so. If you are scared to share the gospel, HASTEN CHANGE! Do what ever is necessary to change so that you can do the work that you have been called to do! I know that if we take the necessary steps, the Lord will bless us and help us make the necessary changes! 

I love this gospel! I am so grateful to be serving as a missionary at this time. This is the Lords work. I hope that we can all make the necessary changes so we can be the Lord's tools!


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